Homosexual activists say that they do not have an agenda.  The links below will take you to web pages which prove otherwise.  Read them and decide for yourself whether they have an agenda to change our culture and nation.  Is their goal to make the homosexual lifestyle accepted as a ‘safe alternative’ through desensitization and indoctrination?  You decide.

1972 Gay Rights Platform

1987 March on Washington

Platform of the 1993 March on Washington

Millennium March on Washington – April 30, 2000

Additional Resources

— Information on Dean Hamer’s and other ‘gay gene’ studies.

— What does sexual_orientation mean’?

Dr. Robert Gagnon addresses homosexuality and the Bible.   Dr. Gagnon is Associate Professor of New Testament at the Pittsburgh Theological Seminary

— Diane Gramley 10.5.07.Testimony before the House State Government Committee opposing a homosexual special rights bill.

— No one is born ‘gay.’   There are many organizations run by former homosexuals.  Here are some:  Stephen Bennett Ministries,  Restored Hope Network and First Stone Ministries